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Call for papers: 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science

ESHS_Logo6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science

Lisbon, 4-6 September 2014

Communicating Science, Technology and Medicine

Conference website

The 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science will be held in Lisbon, 4-6 September 2014 and is organized by the Interuniversity Centre for the History of Science and Technology(CIUHCT),a research centre associated with the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon.

The theme of the conference is “Communicating Science, Technology and Medicine”.

Communicating science, technology and medicine has always been central to the scientific and technological enterprise, but across ages and spaces agents, audiences, means, aims and agendas behind this complex process have varied considerably. The interpretations put forward by historians of science, technology and medicine have also changed considerably. Historians have been compelled recently to move away from former historiographical categories opposing creative producers to passive recipients and consumers, and contrasting the production of knowledge with its transmission. The vertical model of diffusion has been superseded by a horizontal conception of circulation and appropriation of science, technology and medicine, which gives voice to various actors and to their different, often contradictory, agendas. Within this framework, practices of science, technology and medicine appear as involving in an essential way forms of communication, to such an extent that the distinction between the making and the communicating of science, technology and medicine is ultimately blurred.

The 6th ESHS aims at stimulating historical and historiographical studies and debates on the communication of science, technology and medicine along the following sub-thematic clusters.

1) Human and non-human agents: experts, amateurs, and institutions;

2) Networks of circulation and communication of knowledge;

3) Means of communication: correspondence, papers, books, textbooks, popularization outlets, newspapers, radio, theatre, films, cartoons and internet;

4) Spaces and modes of communication: conferences, classrooms, public demonstrations, exhibitions, instruments, collections and museums;

5) Audiences: lay and specialized audiences, consumers;

6) Rhetorical devices;

7) Communication in the European Periphery;

8) Communication in a globalized world: challenges and constraints; ideology of communication, hegemonic values and commercialized science, technology and medicine

Deadlines  (NEW)

Symposia Submission (theme and rationale of symposium and abstract of papers) – 10 Jan 2014
Decision regarding accepted symposia – 10 February 2014
Abstract Submission for stand-alone papers)– 10 March 2014
Decision regarding accepted papers – 10 April 2014

Call for Papers: “Science as Profession” – 26th International Baltic Conference in the History of Science

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERACall for Papers: “Science as Profession” – 26th International Baltic Conference in the History of Science

21st – 22nd August 2014, Helsinki

Deadline for abstracts: Monday 31st March, 2014
Contact e-mail for information:
Information online at:


How did science come to be a profession – and how were careers in science structured before professionalization in its modern sense? What kind of interaction does the formation of institutional structures have with the process of professionalization? What has the role of the public image of science and scientists been in various historical contexts? How has the changing gender ratio contributed to the professionalization of scientists? What kind of a role have non-professionals played in development of science? Have heretics added their valuable contributions or rather disturbed the “normal development” of the scientific world?

Nearly one hundred years ago, in 1919 Max Weber published his article “Wissenschaft als Beruf”, Science as a Vocation. Indeed, scientists and engineers play a visible role in our society, and yet the desired ways to educate, enrol and employ these experts are still as much in constant negotiation in Western societies as they were in Weber’s time. Time has come to make sense of the corresponding developments in the countries of the Baltic Rim and beyond. Therefore, the 26th Baltic Conference in History of Science will focus on the multiple questions concerning the past processes of professionalization and career-building of scientists and engineers. The above questions and many other related aspects in their historical contexts will be discussed in close cooperation with the philosophers who add to their conceptual understanding.

The Science as Profession -Conference will take place from the 21st to 22nd of August, 2014 in Helsinki at the premises of the University of Helsinki. We welcome papers which address any relevant questions asked above from the point of view of history of natural and social sciences, mathematics, arts and humanities, technology and medicine as well as philosophy of science and science studies. The choice of topics is neither limited to any geographical area, although special interest will of course be paid to developments in countries in the Baltic Sea area.

The tradition of the Baltic Conferences on the History of Science is long, the first conference taking place in Riga in 1958. All 25 previous events have taken place in the three Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania ( This is the first time when the Baltic Conference in History of Science will be held outside of the borders of these three countries, and you are heartily welcome to Helsinki!

We welcome abstracts of 300-500 words to be sent by 31st March, 2014 to the organizing committee. The language of the abstracts as well as the papers is English. A selection of papers presented in this conference will be published in the Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum. The registration form which will be used for submitting abstracts is available at the conference website:

The conference is co-organized by: Finnish Society for the History of Science and Learning (head organizer), University of Helsinki, University of Oulu, Society for the History of Technology, The Finnish Historical Society, Philosophical Society of Finland and The Baltic Association for the History and Philosophy of Science.

Call for Papers: Women’s Worlds Congress 2014

Charminar,_Hyderabad,_Andhra_PradeshThe 12th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Women-Call for Paper, Panel and Workshop Abstracts

The University of Hyderabad is organising the 12th Women1s World Congress, 2014, in Hyderabad, India from 17th to 22nd August, 2014.

Women’s Worlds Congress (WWC) is an International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, held every three years. The focus of the congress is gender research and interdisciplinary scholarship. This congress is initiated by Worldwide Organization of Women’s Studies WOWS. We invite Individual papers, Panels and Workshops that engage with the Conference Theme “Gender in a Changing World” from an interdisciplinary perspective.

The various sub-themes to choose from are as follows,

  1. Gender & Culture
  2. Gender & Work
  3. Gender & Health
  4. Gender & Information Technology
  5. Gender & Science and Technology
  6. Gender, Globalization, Politics and Policy
  7. Gender & Management
  8. Gender &Law
  9. Gender & Violence

We encourage Panels and Workshop in the following areas also:

  1. Women Entrepreneurs
  2. Women’s Health
  3. Women’s Empowerment
  4. Trafficking of Women
  5. Minority Women’s Issues

Please submit your paper abstracts, panel proposals and workshop proposals online to

Individual Paper, abstracts should be no more than 250 words. Panel and Workshop should be no more than 300 words. A proposed panel or workshop should have the names, email add, affiliations of the Participants with a short write up about the theme being presented in the Panel and Workshop.

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Guidelines: Submitting a Workshop and Panel Proposal

The last date for submissions: 31st January, 2014.

Notification of acceptance: on or before 15th February, 2014.

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