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Conference: Call for Abstracts

11th International Conference on the History of Chemistry

Call for abstracts

In summer 2017, the fortieth anniversary of the creation of the Working Party (WP) on History of Chemistry of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) will be celebrated. The general aim of the conferences organised by the WP is to facilitate communication between historically interested chemists and historians of chemistry, and to gather the community on a regular basis. Previous conferences organised by the WP were held in Rostock 2011 (Pathways of Knowledge), Uppsala 2013 (Chemistry in Material Culture), and Aveiro 2015 (Chemical Biography in the 21st Century).

The 11th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (11th ICHC) will take place from 29th August to 2nd September, 2017 in Trondheim, a city founded in 997 which served as Norway’s capital during the Viking Age. The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), which has been the country’s centre for technology education since 1910, will host the conference. The conference is sponsored by NTNU, the Research Council of Norway, the Norwegian Chemical Society and the Chemical Heritage Foundation.

The conference programme will include scientific sessions, key-note lectures, the WP business meeting, as well as social events such as excursions, receptions, and a banquet. For more information about preparing your submission and the conference presentation, please consult the proposal guidelines.

Continue reading Conference: Call for Abstracts

Member Book Announcement

Commission member Soňa Štrbáňova, Centre for the History of Sciences and Humanities, Czech Republic, is pleased to announce the publication of her book, Holding Hands with Bacteria: The Life and Work of Marjory Stephenson, in the series, SpringerBriefs in History of Chemistry (Springer-Verlag, 2016).


From the book’s website: “[Stephenson] was one of the first scientists to use microorganisms as models for research into cellular biochemical processes and their regulation…. Štrbáňová outlines Stephenson’s constant battle with practices of undeclared discrimination…. [T]he life of Marjory Stephenson is of interest to biochemists, molecular biologists, historians of the chemical and biological sciences, and women scientists of all generations.”

Agnodike Research Travel Fellowship – 2016 Competition

Agnodice_engravingThe Commission on Women and Gender Studies in History of Science, Technology and Medicine offers biannually a research travel fellowship of up to 1000€ to scholars who are either in their final stages of their doctoral research  or in the early stages of their post-doctoral research but still within four years of receiving the PhD. The Agnodike, named after the first female physician and midwife in ancient Greece (4th c. BCE), is intended exclusively for transportation and accommodation expenses incurred by early career scholar who are conducting research in archives anywhere in the world. To be eligible, applicants must be in the early stages of their careers—within 4 years of receiving their PhDs. Eligibility is independent of gender, nationality, ethnicity or the location of the applicant’s academic institution or site of research. The Agnodike is offered globally but only on topics concerning women and gender studies in history of science, technology and medicine.  

Continue reading Agnodike Research Travel Fellowship – 2016 Competition

7th International Conference of the ESHS in Prague, 22 – 24 September 2016

ESHSDear Colleagues,
The Commission on Women and Gender Studies in HSTM encourages proposals for symposium focusing on women and gender for the ESHS Conference to be held in Prague next year. Read this announcement for details.
One way such symposia ideas might be generated and shared is through our moderated listserv. To post to it, send your message to
Regards, Don Opitz

Continue reading 7th International Conference of the ESHS in Prague, 22 – 24 September 2016

In memoriam Éva Vámos

eva_vamosDear all,

with deep sadness we have to announce that our former President Prof. Dr. Éva Katalin Vámos passed away on July 25, 2015 in Budapest.

Here you’ll find the obituary, and I have to thank Sona Strbanova and Ida Stamhuis for their help. I’m sure,  Éva Vámos will always be in our memories.
With best wishes,
Annette B. Vogt

Continue reading In memoriam Éva Vámos

25th ICHST in Rio de Janeiro 23-29 July 2017

RioICHSTDear Colleagues,
The Website of the 25th ICHST, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, 23-29
July 2017 is now online at:
The Commission on Women and Gender Studies in HSTM encourages proposals for symposium focusing on women and gender.

Continue reading 25th ICHST in Rio de Janeiro 23-29 July 2017

Heroic journeys? Networks of women scientists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century

Commission President Maria Rentetzi is presenting the keynote at this research workshop in Brussels on 16th June: “The power of the ephemeral, unstable and informal networks of women in science.” See

Young Belgian scientists – men and women – ready for their journey to the United States, 1920.
Young Belgian scientists – men and women – ready for their journey to the United States, 1920.

New publication: Akademi og industri

9788245018288New publication by Annette Lykknes and Joakim Ziegler Gusland, in Norwegian.

Akademi og industri forteller historien om kjemiutdanning og -forskning ved NTNU gjennom hundre år. Siden etablering av Kjemiavdelingen ved Norges tekniske høgskole (NTH) i 1910 har målet vært at kjemikerne i Trondheim skal drive vitenskap til gavn for landets industri. I dag består NTNUs fagmiljøer i kjemi av instituttene for kjemi, kjemisk prosessteknologi, materialteknologi og bioteknologi. På det meste eksisterte det hele elleve kjemiinstitutter ved NTNUs forgjengere: NTH og Norges lærerhøgskole i Trondheim (NLHT)/Den allmennvitenskapelige høgskolen (AVH).

Boka studerer fagmiljøene i en kjemifaglig, samfunnsmessig, kulturell og industrihistorisk sammenheng, fra etablering gjennom vekst, krise og to verdenskriger til ekspansjon, lærerutdanning, oljealder, den instrumentelle revolusjon, studenteksplosjon, kvinnenes inntog og sammenslåing.

Annette Lykknes (f. 1974) er førsteamanuensis i kjemididaktikk ved Program for lærerutdanning ved NTNU.

Joakim Ziegler Gusland (f. 1981) er stipendiat i teknologihistorie ved Institutt for historiske studier ved NTNU.

Publication page, orders:

Gendering Science: Women and Men Producing Knowledge (Prague June 4-6)

photo by Edgar BaranyThe programme of the conference “Gendering Science: Women and Men Producing Knowledge” of the Commission on Women and Gender Studies of the DHST is now available on the webpage of the conference:

Venue: Praha Karolinum, Ovocný trh 5, 116 36 Prague 1, Czech Republic, on 4 – 6 June 2015.

The Conference will be held  under the auspices of the Rector of Charles University, prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc.

For registration: REGISTER HERE

The call for proposals is now closed.

Contact: Milada Sekyrková,
See the details of the scientific programme of the conference HERE.
Further information is available on the website of the conference:

New book on female chemists: paths to education and professional activity of women in different countries and in Russia

Women-chemists-titulWe are pleased to announce the book  recently published in Russia on female chemists: Female Chemists: Biographies, Contribution into Science and Education, Recognition. Moscow: Yanus-K, 2013. Pp. 440, illus., index. recommended by Elena Zaitseva(Baum), co-editor and co-author.

This meticulously  researched  and originally structured book concerns some  unexplored aspects of activity fair sex of XVIIth century in chemical practice, in particular,  and  contains , of course, absolutely new material  about  Russian female  women-chemists (are included not–used before historical documents). The information on them is practically not presented in the  known reference books, female encyclopaedias.

Articles of foreign authors are published in two languages – on original and in Russian translation.

All persons interested in book purchase can ask Elena Zaitseva(Baum) by e-mail:

The table of contents is included in the book in English. There is a summary of the book in English and each article  has  English abstract.  Summary and contents in the image gallery below.

New seminar in Paris: “Femmes et savoirs : productions, circulation, représentations (XVIIe ­ XXe siècles)”

Affiche séminaire femmes et savoirs-light2Femmes et savoirs : productions, circulation, représentations (XVIIe ­ XXe siècles)


Responsables : Valérie Burgos, Dalia Deias, Juliette Lancel, Isabelle Lémonon

Périodicité : un jeudi par mois, de 14h à 16h30
Lieu : Centre Alexandre Koyré, salle de séminaire, 5e étage – 27 rue Damesme – 75013 Paris

Ce séminaire proposé par des doctorantes du Centre Alexandre Koyré, se veut un lieu de réflexion collective, entre chercheurs, doctorants, et post­doctorants, sur le rôle des femmes dans la production des savoirs depuis le XVIIe siècle. Son objectif n’est pas de dresser un à un les portraits de femmes savantes, mais d’aborder par le biais de quelques exemples des problématiques aussi bien méthodologiques que thématiques qui se présentent lors de telles recherches. Pour cette première année d’existence, le séminaire examinera des questions relativement larges qui permettront ensuite d’approfondir une problématique donnée. Continue reading New seminar in Paris: “Femmes et savoirs : productions, circulation, représentations (XVIIe ­ XXe siècles)”

New deadline for CfP Gendering Science: Women and Men Producing Knowledge (Prague 4-6 June 2015)

photo by Edgar BaranyThe Commission on Women and Gender Studies of the DHST calls for papers for the conference Gendering Science: Women and Men Producing Knowledge which will held in Prague on 4-6 June 2015.

Link to the conference webpage

During the last two centuries, the access of women to higher education has become much easier in most developed countries. At the same time the significant transformations in science and technology have also affected the participation of women in the scientific enterprise as knowledge producers, science managers, and educators. Especially in the last three decades, given the changes in our perception of the role of science and technology in society, scholars have explored different sites of knowledge production and have highlighted the changing roles of both men and women in the sciences.

The task of the conference is to map the historical path of women from equal opportunities in education to the position of knowledge producers, science managers and educators in the light of the gendered transformations of the sciences in the 20th and 21st centuries. We would like to explore especially the following themes preferably from a historical perspective:

  • Paths of women to equal opportunities in education and tenure track jobs in different cultural and political environments.
  • Differences in the position of female and male scientists in cooperative research teams and patterns of collaboration.
  • Outstanding women scientists and engineers: authors of scientific discoveries and technical inventions; team-leaders; scientific managers.
  • Transformations in science and society and gendered effects in knowledge production.
  • Changes in science and society that reshaped the academia, working cultures and career paths of both men and women
  • Ways that the globalization of the scientific knowledge production affected women’s claims to knowledge in various parts of the world
  • Opportunities and risks in science, technology and society in terms of producing gender sensitive knowledge.

Date: 4–6 June 2015

Venue: Praha Karolinum, Ovocný trh 5, 116 36 Prague 1, Czech Republic

Conference schedule:

31. 10. 2014 – deadline for submitting panels and declaration of interest – new deadline

15. 12. 2014 – deadline for submitting papers

31. 1. 2015 – final programme

Registration fees

  • Early bird full: 75 EUR until 31 December 2014
  • Early bird student: 35 EUR until 31 December 2014
  • Regular full:90 EUR until 15 May 2015
  • Regular student: 50 EUR until 15 May 2015
  • Onsite full: 95 EUR
  • Onsite student: 55 EUR

Information about payment options will be provided at a later date.

Agnodike Research Travel Fellowship 2014-2015

Agnodice_engravingWe are pleased to announce the 2014-15 recipients of the Agnodike Research Travel Fellowship, awarded by the Commission on Women and Gender Studies in Science, Technology and Medicine. The names of the fellows are Olivia Fiorilli, Lauren MacIvor Thompson, Katherine McFadden.

Continue reading Agnodike Research Travel Fellowship 2014-2015

Gender Summit 4 in Brussels: June 30 and July 1 2014

GS4Europe2014_V5_wSlogan_RAfter expanding to North America in 2013, this year the Gender Summit returns to Brussels. The Gender Summit 4 – Europe 2014 (GS4EU) will, again, bring together experts from research, industry and policy to consider gender research evidence and the ways of improving the quality and impact of research and innovation through the inclusion of gender in science knowledge making and application. The Programme will focus Horizon 2020, the current €80bn funding programme of the European Commission. GS4EU’s Themes and Tracks will focus on the cross-cutting role of gender and how gender can be integrated within the different calls, through actions enhancing gender equality and through inclusion in research and innovation content. The GS4EU provides an early opportunity for H2020 applicants to explore with experts how gender can be best accommodated in their proposals.



New Materials History Research Group at CHF


The Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF) in Philadelphia, USA, is excited to announce the construction of a new research group on the history of matter, materials, and culture.

We seek applications from historians of science and technology, science studies researchers, museum professionals, and public historians working in these areas.

The Fellowship period is expected to last for up to three years (considerations for shorter periods will be made) beginning
in the Fall of 2014. We welcome applications from researchers of all rank. CHF anticipates hiring 3-5 research fellows to establish this group.

We have a particular interest in the following areas of research:

The Material Culture of the Laboratory

We are interested in research that examines, among other potential topics:

  • The relationship between tools, equipment, and instrumentation and the work of science
  • The effect of new instruments on scientific practice and knowledge making
  • The introduction of new materials into the laboratory
  • The relationship between the material makeup of the laboratory and the culture of those that populate it

The Sciences and Technologies of Material Culture

We are interested in research that examines, among other potential topics:

  • The translation of everyday perception into scientific and engineering terms
  • The scientific understanding of material performance and functionalities
  • The imitation of natural materials by artificial ones
  • The driving forces of material innovation
  • The development from matter to the molecular to the material

Projects fitting within, or connecting, these areas of study are highly desirable.

Research Fellows joining CHF will be expected to:

  • Participate in the overall construction of this new research group through the pursuit of their own original research;
  • Coordinate with the research group and CHF professional staff to create networks of collaboration on these topics extending beyond CHF;
  • Work with CHF professional staff to identify and co-construct outreach and programming activities building on a utilizing their researc;
  • Work with CHF professional staff to identify opportunities to grow and maintain the research group beyond its initial phase; and
  • Contribute to the overall research community at CHF through regular participation in the activities of our broader community of fellows.

Review of applications will begin immediately. Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, the names and contact information for 2 references, and a research prospectus of approximately 500 words to:

Jody A. Roberts, Ph.D.
Center for Contemporary History and Policy
P: +1.215.873.8281
F: +1.215.629.5281
*Chemical Heritage Foundation
315 Chestnut Street  .  Philadelphia, PA 19106 . U.S.A.<>