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New: Women in Industrial Research, edited by Renate Tobies and Annette B. Vogt

annetteWomen in Industrial Research

Edited by Renate Tobies and Annette B. Vogt (with the assistance of  Valentine Pakis)

This book presents new research on women scientists who enjoyed careers at industrial corporations during the first seven decades of the twentieth century. What positions were they able to achieve? What was the relationship between academic and industrial research? How open were certain industrial sectors – the electrical, chemical, cosmetic, nuclear, and optical sectors in particular – to hiring female researchers? Were women working in certain industries better able to acquire patents than those in others? What role did patronage play at the time? How did political turmoil affect women’s careers? How did career opportunities differ from one country to another?

This book focuses on women who were active in Germany, Russia, and the United States, but the situation in Greece, France, and Great Britain is also addressed. Each of the chapters is based on new sources, including materials from corporate archives. On the basis of these findings and their own work, the editors have formulated a series of general theses concerning the conditions of women working in industrial research.




Franz Steiner Verlag
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Telefon: 0711 / 25 82 – 0 · Fax: 0711 / 25 82 – 390

Call for Papers, 9th STEP Meeting

garland_logoPortugal • Lisbon, 1-3 September 2014

Call For Papers

We are pleased to announce that the 9th meeting of STEP (Science and Technology in the European Periphery) will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, 1-3 September 2014. It is organized by the Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT), a research centre associated with the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon.

STEP meetings have always sought to strike a balance between historiographical reflections, which help develop a broader comparative analysis, and case-studies examining different national and regional contexts. We will continue to favor both approaches at the 9th meeting. The Scientific Committee encourages contributions on a range of themes related to STEP’s interests and in particular to its established research groups:

The theme of the conference is “Communicating Science, Technology and Medicine”.

Communicating science, technology and medicine has always been central to the scientific and technological enterprise, but across ages and spaces agents, audiences, means, aims and agendas behind this complex process have varied considerably. The interpretations put forward by historians of science, technology and medicine have also changed considerably. Historians have been compelled recently to move away from former historiographical categories opposing creative producers to passive recipients and consumers, and contrasting the production of knowledge with its transmission. The vertical model of diffusion has been superseded by a horizontal conception of circulation and appropriation of science, technology and medicine, which gives voice to various actors and to their different, often contradictory, agendas. Within this framework, science, technology and medicine are envisaged as active forms of communication, to such an extent as ultimately blurring the distinction between the making and the communicating of science, technology and medicine.

Cross-National, Comparative and Transnational History of STM.

  1. Experts in the Periphery
  2. Material Culture of Science: Museums and Collections in the Periphery;
  3. Popularization of Science and Technology: Centres and Peripheries;
  4. Science and the Press;
  5. Universities in the Periphery;
  6. Women in Science, Women in the ‘Periphery’;
  7. Science x Medicine.

Individual papers should aim at building upon the work of previous conferences and the current group structure within STEP. However, for session proposals, we also encourage a focus on areas which have so far been under-represented in STEP meetings (especially medicine and technology). We particularly invite contributions with a transnational dimension (either within Europe, or relations beyond Europe), or with a philosophical/theoretical angle on the nature of peripheries and their significance in the history of science, technology and medicine. We would also be happy to receive suggestions for sessions (not individual papers) on any other theme that relates to STEP’s interests (see website:


Abstracts and presentations should be in English


Session proposals submission – 10 Jan 2014

Abstract submission (for stand-alone papers) – 10 March 2014

Decision to the authors (accepted sessions) – 10 February 2014

Decision to the authors (accepted papers) – 10 April 2014

Submission of pre-circulated papers – 30 June 2014

A Special fee will be considered for those attending both STEP and ESHS (4-6 Sept), also in Lisbon at the same premises.


Symposium guidelines and instructions

A Symposium can have as many papers as the organizer wants. The papers will grouped in groups of four (e.g. 8 papers means two sessions of 4).

You must use the template below for submitting the abstracts.

The length (time) of each talk is not yet fixed. However it would be around 20 min. The organizer must be identified. This is the person who takes the initiative, carries on the process and organizes the sessions including the presentation of each speaker (two lines CV).

Individuals may submit only one abstract as a single author. Individuals may co-author two abstract. The same rules apply to organizers.

One person can organize one session (including more than 1 part), or possibly co-organize two.

Each person can be the author of only one paper or, if written jointly, of no more than two papers.

You may use the web (e.g. Mersenne) to announce your proposal.


Abstract guidelines and instructions

  1. Maximum words in title : 15
  2. Maximum number of authors: unlimited
  3. Maximum word count (not including title and authors): 300
  4. All abstracts should be written in English
  5. Individuals may submit only one abstract as a single author
  6. Individuals may co-author two abstracts. Presenting authors should be identified by underlining their name
  7. The abstract should have a title, the names of the authors and institutions
  8. Abstracts should conform to the template available in this site in Word format (not pdf).
  9. The abstract should be submitted, by the presenting author, via email to: If you do not receive a response within 48 hours acknowledging safe receipt of the abstract, please email to Fátima de Haan
  10. Template file here.

For any other information please contact the local secretariat Fátima de Haan (

Looking forward to seeing you in Lisbon

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee
Ana Simões
Maria Paula Diogo